Feather Voices Readings
Robin offers intuitive readings to enhance your life and validate messages you may already be receiving from Spirit.
Readings are done with love as Robin selects a series of oracle cards - tailored to your situation - that expand details from her initial remote intuitive meditation.
***Understand that your life is entirely up to you and readings are not meant to predict or rearrange your future. However, you may be presented with ideas from Spirit for fulfilling your purpose that had not occurred to you before. Implementation or not is your choice!
All readings come with a transcript that will be emailed to you after your Zoom consultation with Robin.
To set up an appointment and arrange payment please email Robin by clicking on the Contact button in the menu above.
I look forward to working with you!
"I've trained and coached dozens of Intuitives over the years and was delighted by Robin's process and interpretation. Her reading of my current project was bang on and gave me the validation I needed to proceed with confidence and enthusiasm. Robin's gentle and compassionate demeanor enhances the delivery of the message. The entire experience was joyfully enriching."
~ Rev. Christine Jefferson (The Spiritual Equestrian), Canada
"I am truly grateful for you and the reading you gave me. I have been reading and rereading the transcript...I feel more relaxed and have a greater sense of direction. And I’m already noticing some positive changes. Thank you Robin!"
~ Maria D., Troy, Michigan
"When Robin gave me Feather Voices Spirit Reading, I found her to be focused, engaged, unassuming, so very Gentle, and elegantly powerful.
"One of the most profound experiences awakened in me as a result of her Feather Voices Reading is that very real sense that I am not alone, ever! … that going with me, wherever I go, I am accompanied by those who Love me.
"Messages came through Robin’s reading that she could not have known about, that brought me to the confidence, the ‘knowing’ that my daughter is still with me … Loving me “As Always” (a favorite signing of her name) and definitely with me in the alive and very real voice of the feathered bird, Wren. Robin’s Reading offers me a belief in Love that goes way beyond the “well-meaning platitudes” of the world."
~ Diane S
"Wow – THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I’m basking in the ‘blissful’ feelings that are surrounding me during & since the reading! I’m so grateful!"
~ Laurien
"A most beautiful explanation and sharing of spirit!"
~ Frank W
"I've trained and coached dozens of Intuitives over the years and was delighted by Robin's process and interpretation. Her reading of my current project was bang on and gave me the validation I needed to proceed with confidence and enthusiasm. Robin's gentle and compassionate demeanor enhances the delivery of the message. The entire experience was joyfully enriching."
~ Rev. Christine Jefferson (The Spiritual Equestrian), Canada
"I am truly grateful for you and the reading you gave me. I have been reading and rereading the transcript...I feel more relaxed and have a greater sense of direction. And I’m already noticing some positive changes. Thank you Robin!"
~ Maria D., Troy, Michigan
"When Robin gave me Feather Voices Spirit Reading, I found her to be focused, engaged, unassuming, so very Gentle, and elegantly powerful.
"One of the most profound experiences awakened in me as a result of her Feather Voices Reading is that very real sense that I am not alone, ever! … that going with me, wherever I go, I am accompanied by those who Love me.
"Messages came through Robin’s reading that she could not have known about, that brought me to the confidence, the ‘knowing’ that my daughter is still with me … Loving me “As Always” (a favorite signing of her name) and definitely with me in the alive and very real voice of the feathered bird, Wren. Robin’s Reading offers me a belief in Love that goes way beyond the “well-meaning platitudes” of the world."
~ Diane S
"Wow – THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I’m basking in the ‘blissful’ feelings that are surrounding me during & since the reading! I’m so grateful!"
~ Laurien
"A most beautiful explanation and sharing of spirit!"
~ Frank W